When you experience issues with your dental imaging machines and require fast service and the right parts; be sure you’re getting them from a place you can depend on. While you may require parts and services quickly, you should not ignore the need for dependability as well as affordability. Ordering your parts from a third party such as Technical Electronic Contractors offers many great benefits when compared with the manufacturer. At TEC, we specialize in and stock high quality dental imaging parts for Atlanta and can ship to anywhere you are, offer dependable service and much more. As experts in the business, we would like to tell you more about why a third party such as ours is the way to go. First of all, calling the manufacturer can often mean a drawn out process with a lot of red tape which can make repair and the ordering of parts quite cumbersome. Many dental companies and manufactures that sell the technology you depend on want to do their best to control every angle of i...
Provider of parts, maintenance and repairs and technical training for high tech and under supported electronics equipment like dental devices and dental film processors.